We feel the practice of yoga is key to the development both academically and spiritually of the (residential) children.
In fact, yoga and Vedanta philosophy are the very root of all our teachings. On this page, we’d like to share some resources and techniques by our teacher Brahmrishi Vishvatma Bawra.
Don’t hesitate to drop us a note if you have any questions.
Meditation Technique
Whether you are already a meditator or whether you’ve never tried it, this powerful guided meditation as handed down by Brahmrishi Vishvatma Bawra is allowing us to detach from our daily worries, identification and enmeshment with worldy matters and helps us to turn within; the only place where we can find true peace and happiness is in our true, divine self. … Read More
We must know what the purpose of meditation is. We should be aware that we are projection of the Infinite Energy (Primordial Nature) enlivened by the Infinite Spirit (Brahma). We should try to merge that part of Infinite Energy which constitutes us into Infinite Energy. Then there will be nothing left but a little ray of the Infinite Spirit, our realself. This ray of spirit is always related with the whole, the Infinite Spirit. When we think in this way, we become one with the Supreme Consciousness. Realization of oneness with the Supreme Consciousness is the purpose of Yoga of Meditation taught herein… Read More
Maha Yoga
Meditation, as taught in the guided meditations on this page, is also called Maha Yoga: “Everybody has four aspects in his life, senses, mind ego, and intellect. When you are sitting in meditation, if you are using all four, then perfectly and quickly, you will be able to achieve the highest level of Consciousness. If among those one is lacking, it will be very hard. Four yogas are related with the four aspects of our life as recommended by the great seers.” In this document, these four yogas are described: hatha, mantra, laya and raja yoga. … Read More
Peace Through Spiritual Discipline
It couldnt be a more relevant speech in the face of recent wordy events: A lecture from the Assembly of the World’s Religions by swamiji Brahmrishi Vishvatma Bawra on peace through spiritual discipline…. Read More