Mariellen Ward

Mariellen Ward

  • Breathedreamgo (winner of Outlook magazines Travel writer of the year 2016)

When I was in Varanasi, I took some time out to visit my friend H Lucy Guest and the school she founded and runs right in the heart of the old city between the Kashi Vishvanath Temple and the ghats where the aarti is held.
I am so impressed by this school and the work Lucy is doing to give opportunities to under-privileged inner city kids who would otherwise not get an education. At Lucy’s school, they get three meals a day, computer classes and all the basics PLUS dance classes and spiritual instruction — including yoga. The teachers are all local, and some of them were students at one time.
There are also opportunities for foreign volunteers, if you know anyone looking for a highly reputable place.
Lucy operates on a shoe string budget and has to make up a considerable percentage each month to keep the school going and give these 100+ kids a chance to change their lives. If you can help out with a donation, it would be very much appreciated.

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